Финалистки конкурса «Мисс Вселенная» в национальных костюмах. Глаз не отвести!

30 января 2017 года на Филиппинах состоялся финал самого знаменитого конкурса красоты — «Мисс Вселенная». За титул боролись 86 красавиц со всего мира, а изюминкой шоу стало дефиле участниц в национальных костюмах.

Мы предлагаем тебе взглянуть, как дизайнеры разных стран совмещают традиционный колорит народных одеяний со своими креативными идеями. Порой результат оказывается непредсказуемым!

Мисс Албания, Линдита Идризи

Lindita Idrizi, Miss Albania 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Ангола, Луиза Баптиста

Luisa Baptista, Miss Angola 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Аргентина, Эстефания Бернал

Estefania Bernal, Miss Argentina 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Аруба, Шарлин Лесли


Мисс Никарагуа, Марина Джакоби

Marina Jacoby, Miss Nicaragua 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Австралия, Кейрис Тайвел


Мисс Австрия, Дайана Джинич

Dajana Dzinic, Miss Austria 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Багамские Острова, Шерель Вильямсон

Cherell Williamson, Miss Bahamas 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Барбадос, Шеннон Харрис


Мисс Бельгия, Стефани Гельдоф

Stephanie Geldof, Miss Belgium 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Белиз, Ребекка Рат

Rebecca Rath, Miss Belize 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Боливия, Антонелла Москателли


Мисс Бразилия, Раисса Сантана

Raissa Santana, Miss Brazil 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Виргинские острова, Эрика Крек


Мисс Канада, Сиера Берчелл

Siera Bearchell, Miss Canada 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Каймановы Острова, Моник Брук

Monyque Brooks, Miss Cayman Islands 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Чили, Каталина Касерес

Catalina Paz Caceres, Miss Chile 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Китай, Ли Чен Ян

Li Zhen Ying, Miss China 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Колумбия, Андреа Товар

Andrea Tovar, Miss Colombia 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Коста-Рика, Каролина Дюран

Carolina Duran, Miss Costa Rica 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Германия, Йоанна Акс


Мисс Хорватия, Барбара Филлипович


Мисс Кюрасао, Шанелль де Лау

Chanelle de Lau, Miss Curacao 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Чехия, Андреа Бездекова


Мисс Дания, Кристина Иккельсен


Мисс Доминиканская Республика, Сал Гарсия

Sal Garcia, Miss Dominican Republic 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Эквадор, Конни Хименес

Connie Jimenez, Miss Ecuador 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Финляндия, Ширли Карвинен

Shirly Karvinen, Miss Finland 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Франция, Ирис Миттенар, стала победительницей конкурса

Iris Mittenaere, Miss France 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Грузия, Нука Каралашвили


Мисс Гуам, Мунека Джой Крус

Muneka Joy Cruz Taisipic, Miss Guam 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Великобритания, Джеми-Ли Фолкнер

Jaime-Lee Faulkner, Miss Great Britain 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Гайана, Сойини Фрейзер


Мисс Израиль, Ям Касперс Аншел

Yam Kaspers Anshel, Miss Israel 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Гондурас, Сири Моран

Sirey Moran, Miss Honduras 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Венгрия, Вероника Бодиш


Мисс Гаити, Рахель Пелиссье, стала обладательницей титула Первой вице-мисс

Raquel Pelissier, Miss Haiti 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Италия, София Сержио


Мисс Индия, Рошмита Харимурти


Мисс Индонезия, Кезия Вароу

Kezia Warouw, Miss Indonesia 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Ямайка, Изабель Делли

Isabel Dalley, Miss Jamaica 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Япония, Сари Наказава

Sari Nakazawa, Miss Japan 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Казахстан, Дарина Кульситова

Darina Kulsitova, Miss Kazakhstan 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Малайзия, Киран Яссал

Kiran Jassal, Miss Malaysia 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Мексика, Кристал Сильва

Kristal Silva, Miss Mexico 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Мьянма, Хтет Хтет Хтун

Htet Htet Htun, Miss Myanmar 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Намибия, Лизель Эстерхуйзен

Lizelle Esterhuizen, Miss Namibia 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Нидерланды, Зоя Айвори


Мисс Португалия, Флавия Брито

Flavia Brito, Miss Portugal 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Швеция, Ида Овмар

Ida Ovmar, Miss Sweden 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Украина, Алена Сподынюк

Alena Spodynyuk, Miss Ukraine 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс США, Дешауна Варбер

Deshauna Barber, Miss USA 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Уругвай, Магдалена Кохендет

Magdalena Cohendet, Miss Uruguay 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Вьетнам, Ле Ханг

Le Hang, Miss Vietnam 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

Мисс Испания, Ноэлия Фрерия

Nohelia Freirie, Miss Spain 2016 debuts her National Costume on stage at the Mall of Asia Arena on Thursday, January 26, 2017. The contestants have been touring, filming, rehearsing and preparing to compete for the Miss Universe crown in the Philippines. Tune in to the FOX telecast at 7:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed on Sunday, January 29, live from the Philippines to see who will become Miss Universe. HO/The Miss Universe Organization

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