Шикарно спустил 10 миллионов фунтов выигрыша (19 фото)

Этот парень сумел шустро прогулять внушительную сумму, выигранную им в лотерею в 2002 году! Крупнейший джек-пот в истории страны, доставшийся 19-летнему мусорщику, составил ни много ни мало 10 миллионов фунтов стерлингов. Так Национальная Британская Лотерея дала Микки Керролу шанс начать новую жизнь…


Микки начал праздновать свалившуюся на него удачу на самую широкую ногу, швыряясь деньгами налево и направо.

Handout picture from Lotto of 19-year-old father-to-be Michael Carroll, from King's Lynn, Norfolk, announced on Monday 4 November 2002 as £9.7 million winner of Saturday's draw. Michael and his girlfriend Sandra Aikin, also 19, are expecting their first child on Christmas Day. The couple are now planning to marry and buy a house together. PA Photo.
Handout picture from Lotto of 19-year-old father-to-be Michael Carroll, from King’s Lynn, Norfolk, announced on Monday 4 November 2002 as £9.7 million winner of Saturday’s draw. Michael and his girlfriend Sandra Aikin, also 19, are expecting their first child on Christmas Day. The couple are now planning to marry and buy a house together. PA Photo.









Микки с удовольствием спускал свалившиеся на него миллионы на кокаин, автомобили, проституток и пару бутылок водки в день…


Журналистов он сразу посылал на три буквы, показывая фак, за что и получил прозвище «Лотерейный Хам»…


После выигрыша Микки прикупил роскошное поместье, в котором устраивал попойки с друзьями и приглашенными девицами…






Результатом стал полный разгром некогда элитной недвижимости…

The downstairs toilet in the abandoned and derelict mansion of £9.4m lottery lout Michael Carroll. The house set in vast grounds is in a terrible state with every window smashed and every room trashed with litter left in great piles.
The downstairs toilet in the abandoned and derelict mansion of £9.4m lottery lout Michael Carroll. The house set in vast grounds is in a terrible state with every window smashed and every room trashed with litter left in great piles.
The swimming pool and Jacuzzzi at the abandoned and derelict mansion of £9.4m lottery lout Michael Carroll. The house set in vast grounds is in a terrible state with every window smashed and every room trashed with litter left in great piles. Seemes Mikey really is a Pikey after all! Picture taken in March 2008.
The swimming pool and Jacuzzzi at the abandoned and derelict mansion of £9.4m lottery lout Michael Carroll. The house set in vast grounds is in a terrible state with every window smashed and every room trashed with litter left in great piles. Seemes Mikey really is a Pikey after all! Picture taken in March 2008.
The swimming pool and Jacuzzzi at the abandoned and derelict mansion of £9.4m lottery lout Michael Carroll. The house set in vast grounds is in a terrible state with every window smashed and every room trashed with litter left in great piles. Seemes Mikey really is a Pikey after all! Picture taken in March 2008.
The swimming pool and Jacuzzzi at the abandoned and derelict mansion of £9.4m lottery lout Michael Carroll. The house set in vast grounds is in a terrible state with every window smashed and every room trashed with litter left in great piles. Seemes Mikey really is a Pikey after all! Picture taken in March 2008.




Во дворе — десятки разбитых в пьяном угаре машин…
В итоге некогда элитную недвижимость удалось продать за 100 тысяч, потеряв на этом как минимум 700 тысяч…




И после того, как Микки раздал накопившиеся долги — ему пришлось снова возвращаться на работу.



Он снова убирает мусор на улицах.