Танзанийские альбиносы, чьи тела стоят дороже золота

Фотограф Эрик Ляфорг задокументировал трагические истории танзанийских детей-альбиносов, чья плоть, по мнению колдунов, приносит удачу. Страна готовится к президентским выборам, и нападения на альбиносов могут участиться — жители болеют за своих кандидатов.

Ляфорг посетил учреждение, управляемое благотворительной организацией Under the Same Sun. Там под круглосуточной охраной живут дети-альбиносы. Их выпускают на улицу только в сопровождении охранников.

«В Танзании тела альбиносов на вес золота. Колдуны используют части их тел — носы, гениталии, языки, пальцы и уши — для приготовления снадобий, которые якобы приносят счастье», — рассказывает Ляфорг.

С 2000 года в стране было зарегистрировано 76 убийств альбиносов, хотя на самом деле их произошло намного больше. Президент страны Джакайя Киквете назвал нападения «отвратительными» и «большим позором для страны».

Конечность альбиноса стоит от 500 до 75 тысяч долларов — и это в стране, где средняя месячная зарплата менее 40 долларов.

Фотограф побеседовал с детьми. 14-летний Эммануэль Фесто пережил жестокое нападение с мачете. Ему отрубили руку по локоть и отрезали пальцы на другой руке. Еще он потерял четыре зуба и повредил язык.

Несмотря на увечья, Эммануэль любит рисовать. Он стать хочет премьер-министром — чтобы «служить своей стране».

Девочка Кабула Нгаранго также пострадала от нападения. В 12 лет ей отрубили руку, пока она спала рядом со своей матерью. Она мечтает стать юристом и защищать других альбиносов.

(Всего 23 фото)


MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850aq) Tanzania, East Africa, Dar es Salaam, teens and children with albinism at under the same sun house Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

Дети и подростки, живущие в заведении для альбиносов, Танзания.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850c) Barakara Cosmas, a 6-year-old boy who is constantly smiling, has one of the most horrific stories. 17 suspects were arrested in connection with the mutilation of his hand including his father and his younger brother. They hacked off his limb and sold it to witchdoctors for $5,000. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

У шестилетнего Бараки Космаса одна из самых ужасных историй. По делу об отрубании его руки было задержано 17 подозреваемых, включая его отца и младшего брата. Они отрезали ему руку и продали ее за пять тысяч долларов.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850n) Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850e) A Witch Doctor in Tanzania Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

Танзанийский колдун.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850f) A Witch Doctor holding out objects in his hand Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.


MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850j) Mwigulu Matonange, 11, recalls the day his left arm was hacked off by a machete: "I watched them wrap my arm in dirty cloths and disappear into the bushes" Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.


11-летний Мвигулу Матонанге вспоминает, как ему отрубили руку: «Они завернули ее в грязные тряпки и исчезли в кустах».


MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850ao) Mwigulu Matonange, 11, recalls the day his left arm was hacked off by a machete:  "I watched them wrap my arm in dirty cloths and disappear into the bushes" Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.


MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850k) Kabula Ngarango. Aged just 12 Kabula was sleeping next to her mother when she lost her hand. Despite her injuries, she says that she dreams of becoming a lawyer so she can protect others who suffer from albinism. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

Кабула Нгаранго потеряла руку, когда спала рядом с матерью. Мечтает стать юристом.


MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850v) Kabula Ngarango. Aged just 12 Kabula was sleeping next to her mother when she lost her hand. Despite her injuries, she says that she dreams of becoming a lawyer so she can protect others who suffer from albinism. Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

MANDATORY CREDIT: Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock. Only for use in this story. Editorial Use Only. No stock, books, advertising or merchandising without photographer's permission Mandatory Credit: Photo by Eric Lafforgue/REX Shutterstock (5219850l) Kulwa Lusana, 17, had her hands cut off in 2001. During the attack, she recognized one of the perpetrators: her uncle.  "I didn't feel any pain when they cut my hands off," she claims. "But once they left, the pain became so intense I started screaming uncontrollably." Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015 FULL BODY: http://www.rexfeatures.com/nanolink/r7cl The Tanzanian Albinos Whose Flesh Is Worth More Than Gold A photographer has captured the tragic lives of Tanzanian albino children where, according to witchdoctors, their flesh brings luck.   As the African country prepares for its 5th quinquennial election since the restoration of a multi-party system, there is concern that attacks on albinos may increase as people attempt to elect their chosen candidate.  Professional photographer Eric Lafforgue travelled to Tanzania in June (2015) and visited a house run by charity Under The Same Sun in north western Tanzania. In the house in Dar Es Salaam children with albinism live under 24 hour protection.

Кулва Лусана, 17 лет. Потеряла руку в 2001 году. Во время нападения узнала одного из преступников — это был ее дядя. «Пока руку отрубали, боли не ощущала. Как только они ушли, стало так больно, что я закричала».

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

16-летняя Пендо Серенгема пережила нападение у себя дома. «Руку отрубили по локоть вторым ударом мачете».

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

Эммануэль Фесто и Пендо Серенгема.

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

Эммануэль Фесто пережил нападение в 2007 году. Ему отрубили руку по локоть и отрезали пальцы на другой руке. Еще он потерял четыре зуба и повредил язык.

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015


Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

32-летняя Мариам тоже альбинос, она этим детям как мать. В 2008 году она потеряла обе руки и ребенка, которого носила на тот момент.

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015


Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

Сестре Мариам Дженифер 16 лет. После нападения на Мариам Дженифер две недели пряталась в лесу, опасаясь, что они вернутся. Она единственная в учреждении, на кого не нападали.

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

На 14-летнего Адама Роберта напали с мачете. Ему повредили три пальца. Адам остался жив и сказал полиции, что к нападению причастны его отец, мачеха и старший брат. Соседи подтвердили его показания, и преступники были арестованы. «Я никогда не вернусь в свою семью».

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015

Baraka Cosmas Albinism, Tanzania,  - 01 Jun 2015
